Considering Fat Removal Treatment by Waves 21

All of us exercise regularly, watch our daily food intake and may get everything under control. But there are still some areas that we can’t control. But we all want to lose a few centimetres from the areas known as weak spots. The spots include the stomach and riding breeches and buttocks. This is where considering fat removal treatment comes in handy. When looking for help with fat removal near you in Norwich, you should look no further than Estetika Clinic as they provide fat removal treatment by using Waves 21.

Considering Fat Removal Treatment by Waves 21

Waves 21 is a highly advanced and exceptionally engineered device that helps in treating aesthetic problems like subcutaneous fat and health issues like fat around the organs i.e. visceral fat. Visceral fat has been almost impossible to address with existing fat removal technologies. The Waves 21 device comprises of three independent technologies:

  • Gentle electro-stimulation of the metameres for revitalisation of organ activities 
  • Cryotherapy which involves the permanent removal of fat cells on the treated area 
  • Violet light emission fights the issues of poor lymphatic circulation, and against the localised fat and cellulite while leaving muscles and nerves relaxed and the organ energised

The innovative fat removal treatment makes it possible to fix aesthetic problems related to metal dysfunctions. This procedure acts directly on the organs and causes physical disorders. The fat removal process makes it possible to fight against resistant fats that are essential for different pathological conditions like cardiovascular disease, bad cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and many others.

Metameric Stimulation with the Combo of Cold Treatment and Violet LED

The Waves 21 works perfectly for any woman and man. It provides you with deep muscle relaxation and works better for the bladder and kidneys. The fat removal treatment stimulates the spleen, the lymphatic system, blood circulation and white blood cells (WBC) production.

The Waves 21 provides you with following benefits:

  • Reducing fat 
  • Tightening skin 
  • Cellulite 
  • Compact fat
  • Saddle bags 
  • Buffalo hump 
  • Activation of cell and drainage 
  • Body detoxification 

Waves 21 provide safe, non-invasive and completely painless fat removal treatment provided by Estetika Clinic. It combines the technology of electric stimulation and cold treatment that enhances the physiological process naturally.

How Waves 21 Device Works for Fat Removal?

Waves 21 is the only non-invasive uniquely designed device that treats aesthetic problems like subcutaneous fat and the fat present around the organs i.e. visceral fat which is virtually impossible to remove with existing technologies.

Waves 21 stimulates the muscle bands i.e. Metameres with frequencies that treats the fat around the organs and different body parts. It restores and rebalances the natural physiological process of the body while improving the wellbeing.

What Does this Fat Removal Treatment Include?

Typically, fat removal treatment with Waves 21 device comprises of two parts. The first part includes twenty minutes which involves stimulation of metameres followed by the stimulation of the area to be treated. The second part takes twenty minutes and the zone is treated with the cold and LED technology. 

Some issues require a longer session of metameres stimulation. During the longer session, the metameres and the zones to be treated need to be stimulated much longer and the treatment is supplemented with the cold and LED treatment on the treated areas for a treatment of 40 minutes. 

Bottom Line –

Do you want to take fat removal treatment near you in Norwich? Feel free to schedule an appointment with Estetika Clinic today and book a consultation for fat removal session by the Waves 21.


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