Why Do You Consider Laser Hair Loss Treatment?


Most women and men are often distressed about losing hair. Androgenic alopecia – male pattern baldness is the leading cause behind the genetic or aging-related hair loss problem. Currently, there is no cure, which is often disheartening to know about a visible cosmetic problem. Still, you don’t need to lose hope.

For many men, losing hair can cause losing their confidence level. However, temporary solutions are available to hair loss, i.e. hairpieces or extensions. Still, no way exists to replace the feeling of growing natural hair. With decades of technological development and research, we now have effective modern hair regrowth therapy. Fortunately, therapy like laser hair loss treatment will do wonders for balding individuals.

Understanding Laser Hair Loss Treatment –

Laser hair loss therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free, and clinically-proven hair treatment for hair loss. Developed in the 1960s, it’s a European treatment with more technological advancements to improve treatment.

This hair loss treatment uses light therapy to stimulate the scalp and enhance hair growth to ensure a better quality of hair and improved hair volume. As a result, you will get fuller, thicker, shinier, and healthier hair that looks and feels fantastic from the inside out.

How Does This Treatment Compare?

You will come across so many effective treatments when choosing a suitable alternative to the hair loss problem. Still, more people are turning to hair transplants, while some shy away from any surgical method. Laser hair loss therapy is a painless, surgery-free alternative and has succeeded similarly.

This hair loss solution has proven to grow back hair and stops the hair loss progress in around eighty-five percent of patients. The hair regrowth treatment works effectively on those with sooner the balding symptoms start. A patient with more severe baldness will generally require several sessions of this treatment before the results appear.

The hair regrowth therapeutic process is simple and not invasive compared to surgeries or injections. You will sit with your head directly below a device that looks like a hairdryer used in the salon. The device now provides light energy to the scalp area using low-level lasers. You will feel nothing, not even heat, as the laser light stimulates blood circulation throughout the scalp area and naturally promotes new, healthier hair growth.

It seems like a miracle, right! But, in reality, it’s science. The improved blood circulation wakes the inactive hair follicles even after not growing for years. There will be no pain, discomfort, or aftercare required after this treatment.

Final Consideration –

Teamed with the Hair Loss Control Clinic (HLCC) – a premier name in laser hair loss treatment, Estetika Clinic provides scientifically-proven, successful hair regrowth treatments that yield outstanding results. HLCC has an excellent team of medical doctors who have successfully treated hair loss problems in men and women for over 24 years. They have been using Low-Level Lasers as a part of their treatment for the past 18 years and have emerged as a global leader in laser hair loss treatment in Norwich. For more information about our laser hair regrowth therapy, please contact us as soon as possible at 01603 280521.


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