Why Do Ladies Have Unwanted Stubborn Fat Around Their Thighs, Buttocks And Belly


It looks like no matter how much exercise you do or how strict your diet is, the stubborn fat around your buttocks, thighs, and belly just won’t disappear. Genetics most probably recites where the bulk of your fat gathers, though women are likely to store fat in the thighs and hips, besides the buttocks and belly. 

At Estetika Clinic, we understand how annoying stubborn fat can be, and we are here to aid you to get to know some of the things that cause stubborn fat and what you can do to eradicate them. 

Menopause could be a reason:

The stubborn fat deposited on your buttock, abdomen, and hip region can result because of the drop in estrogen hormone that happens during premenopause & menopause. As a woman’s body ends its child-bearing years, it reallocates the fat stores to her midsection, creating what’s often known as a muffin top. 

An unhealthy diet may be the culprit:

When you consume a diet filled with refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and sugary drinks, it upshots in stubborn fat on your hips, buttocks, and abdomen. These sorts of foods trigger insulin resistance, which leads to increased fat storage, ending in fat that is tough to lose. Also, eating Trans fats may lead to increased fat deposits in the abdominal region. 

Yo-yo dieting can cause more fat accumulation:

Yo-yo dieting is a process of losing weight through dieting and then gaining weight back again. While losing weight, you lose some muscle along with the fat, particularly if your diet doesn’t contain enough protein. But when you get back weight again, except you are doing strength training exercises, the weight you gain is mostly fat. In this way, you end up with a higher body fat proportion, whether it is in your buttock, thighs, belly, or in a different place. 

Ladies do you have any unwanted stubborn fat around your buttocks, thighs, and belly? Why not try our LIPOFIRM PRO/ MED with DMA technology? With the combination of two innovative technologies - TriLipo Radiofrequency (RF) and TriLipo Dynamic Muscle Activation, Lipofirm Pro work in chorus using a single handpiece that delivers non-invasive fat removal & lymphatic drainage, alongside skin tightening. With six to eight weekly sessions and monthly maintenance, you can expect instant and long-lasting results. 

Call Estetika Clinic if you are looking for a complimentary consultation! Get in touch with us on 01603 280521!


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